Friday, July 26, 2019

Scorpion Research

Hello Bloggers Lately I have been doing some chapter chat and the book we have been doing is Holes. We have been making posters, doing research on the bad insect animal things at camp green lake here is my Scorpion research.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Power Station Hill Walk

Power station hill Walk!

This Morning at Power station hill we

Learnt about volts and not to put metal near plugs. after
learning a lot about that we went to go to the main bit of our trip but in store for us was a big walk up a hill! That was hard for some people who said they might pass out. After our big walk we went to see  power station there were people there working we learnt a lot more about that like the machines and things like that afterwards we went back to our bags but we still had some walking to do he took us to the other side of the station and tought us about that. One thing I enjoyed is the walk up the hill! One thing I learnt was about water and power lines do not go together!

The End!!